Green Tea for a Beautiful You Inside and Out.

We often read how green tea is good for health. It acts as antioxidant, cancer prevention, immunity booster, and aids in weight loss. When I decided to go on a weight loss journey there are three things that are always consistent on showing up whenever I search the almighty internet for tips: healthy diet, daily exercise, and green tea.

I was a little bit reluctant to drink green at first because I am a big fan of sweetened iced drinks. I love love love sweetened iced tea and whenever I think of drinking a brewed bitter green tea, I'm discouraged because BLEH it really doesn't suit my taste. But since I promised to discipline myself and limit my sugar intake I started with drinking just plain no taste water. A few weeks later I loved it, I don't crave for sweet drinks anymore, then I started with green tea (my mom bought a box from the grocery store because she wanted to detox but not once she drank any of the tea lol) and I enjoyed it!

A few weeks later I have incorporated tea with my meals which made me recount the wonderful benefits of drinking green tea:

  • anti-oxidant
  • protects against heart disease
  • prevents cancer
  • help lower blood pressure
  • prevents diabetes, arthritis, memory loss, allergies
  • helps metabolism for weight loss
  • increase mental alertness (caffeine)
  • reduce unhealthy blood sugar
  • anti-aging (anti-oxidant)
  • aroma therapy (mixed with Jasmine leaves)
  • more!

Often times we see our favorite beauty products incorporate green tea as an ingredient. Made me wonder if I drink green tea everyday then use it topically, can I see better result?

One time I decided to reuse the green teabag after brewing a cup. I thought if its safe to drink it then there's no harm trying to use it on skin. 

And ohh my friends I'm so glad I tried to use green tea for my face. After a week's use my skin became smoother and brighter. My pores also became smaller and finer. No negative reaction or anything bad happened to my skin. 

I can't thank green tea enough for cleaning my body inside and out, plus aiding my weight loss regimen.

I definitely suggest and encourage everyone to drink at least a cup of green tea a day (and more if you may~ :))


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