MET Tathione Glutathione Soap, Oral Supplement, and Lotion (New Formula) Review

I am not new at taking oral glutathione supplements. I have tried a couple of products in the past and the deal with them is you HAVE to continuously take them to maintain their effect on your body. Luckily, it is safe to take glutathione for long periods of time.

I have not had any bad experiences with glutathione brands I've taken before but I have to admit I was not a very disciplined user. I usually finish a bottle or two and then stop, then take another bottle and then stop again. I haven't taken anything for 8-9 months before I realized that my skin was not as supple as I wanted it to be and I started to see zits popping at my face.

For the past 2 weeks though, I started to take MET glutathione. I tried this brand before and although I was not unhappy with the result, I was not very impressed too. But since I have been reading their new and improved formula, I went to the drugstore and bought a bottle to try it again, this time I bought the soap and the lotion so I can really test the brand.

MET Oral Glutathione Supplement, MET Whitening Soap, MET Whitening Lotion, FERN-C

I know I should wait atleast finishing the bottle or the soap or the lotion before I write a review but I am really impressed with it so far.

I was actually waiting for more zits to come out because I know would be in the "detoxifying" stage before the glutathione actually flush out my toxins and clear out my skin BUT my previous pimples actually dried up a couple of days after taking MET and using the soap on my face. I also get compliments from my workmates saying I don't look stressed even though they see me working so hard to meet my deadlines (teacher problems T_T). I haven't had any problem with my skin even though I only get 4-5 hours of sleep at night. I don't think that it already started to lighten my skin though :)

I take the MET capsules 2x a day with vit. C
I use the soap everyday for my whole body as well as my face
I take the lotion with me everywhere I go, I just love it's smell so I use it in between my classes :)

#nofilter #nomakeup #ididntjutwakeup


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