My journey to a fairer skin~~

Aaaannd I'm back! it's been so long since i updated this blog.. phew! (i blame thesis and exam!! tsk)

Anyway, now that it's summer time and my family decided that we're not going to the beach this year, I believe that this is the perfect time for me to take more care of my skin. I have been exposed to sun because of school. This summer I only go out to exercise before noon and in the afternoons where the rays of sun won't my skin.

I found a kojie-san soap on way trip to watson's last week. (I have actually seen it before but never dared to buy it 'cause it's really cheap and I was skeptic whether it will work or not.)

With P50, you will get two soaps. Quite a deal eh?

- It smells citrus-y
- feels nice while your using it
- lathers quite well
- my blemishes lightened
- peels your "old" skin to a better "new" skin

-i haven't seen any lightening on my whole skin
- very drying, lotion is a must

yes it does make my skin peel and i really feel my skin feel rejuvenated but I still can't see the whitening effect, it did a good job on my blemishes though. Then again i've only been using this for a little more than a week so i'm not sure if it would only take some time to take effect.

Well after taking a bath, what comes next? Lotions!! yay!
My brand is actually Nivea but when i was searching through the body care section in watson's i can't seem to find my usual lotion. so i just picked an alternative that has spf ('coz it's summer~) and that's when i came across Block&White Intensive Whitening Lotion
they have two variants, one for daytime (which has spf 28) and one for night time

so it whitens as early as 5 days.. I hope this is true. i can't really make a good review on this because i have only been using this for 3 days, (not yet on the fifth day :P) but i haven't seen any effect from this. my blemishes did become lighter though... BUT i'm not so sure whether this lotion of my soap can get the credit for that. Well one thing's for sure, it's not greasy =)

That's it for now, next I'm going to try to review the products I use for my face ☺.

Good day every one!!


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